End of The First Quarter

It’s over.

As of November 14, 2014 at 12:18 am the first twenty five years of my life came to a screeching halt.

I wake up this morning thinking back on the obstacles I faced, the friends that I made, the friends that I lost, and the blessings I was given.

It’s been a good life so far, despite a couple of tragedies. As I begin this next quarter I hope for more good times than bad, a possible addition to our family (I’m still deciding), financial stability (or at least something close to it), and hopefully buying a home of our own (have I mentioned how much I despise renting?).

The past few days have been super hectic for me. I worked yesterday, too, and I can officially say that I will never work on my birthday ever again if I can help it. If everything could go wrong yesterday, it did.

This week at work has been full of frustrations and yesterday was no different. But, I kept my positive mindset as best as possible and made it through the work day.

I must say, walking through my front door never felt better. I was finally home with my husband and our children. We have his older two with us this weekend and I’m so happy. Laurel ADORES her big sisters just as much as they adore her and nothing warms my heart more than watching them laugh and play together.

Last night we went out to eat dinner and today we plan on going to Illuminate Lights at our local fairgrounds. It’s new this year and looks pretty awesome. I’m excited!

Cheers to twenty five more years! ♡

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