The Failed Art of Nagging

It always happens – I ask for something to get done and receive no results. I ask again and still nothing. Ask a third time or more? I’m just being annoying at this point. I have become an obnoxious little gnat that keeps buzzing around your face.

The other night I asked my husband to do the dishes. The next day I went out shopping with my in-laws and come home to find that same sinkful of dishes sitting there waiting to be washed. I looked at my husband, “Don’t forget I asked you to do the dishes.” He replies immediately saying that he had forgotten but would for sure that night.

Time ticked away and, as I see him continuously sitting on the couch, I remind him again. Now I’ve turned myself into the nagging wife who isn’t giving him a chance to do the dishes before asking again. I reminded him about his uncanny ability to be reminded to do something multiple times yet, still, he “forgets”.

Morning arrives and I get out of bed to go get the baby out of her crib. I change her diaper and we play for a bit in her room. Now it’s time for breakfast. I open the door to my daughter’s room and follow behind her as she slowly stumbles down the hallway. We turn the corner to head into the kitchen and, low and behold, there is that same sinkful of dishes staring me dead in the face.


One thought on “The Failed Art of Nagging

  1. If you find a solution to nagging, I’d love to hear it! I think most wives have been in your position. No fun for sure. Sometimes it is just nice to hear, we aren’t alone. Thanks for your honesty.


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